Enchanting Objects.... Feed

The magic of going back home......



When my mother died in 2008, I was charged with the task of cleaning out the house that she and my father had lived in since 1946. No easy task as it was a place that he had built with his own two hands that had been filled with incredible memories, home cooked meals, extraordinary gardens, at least 4 magical weddings and a love between my parents that lasted for 67 years. It took me about a month to complete. Everyday I went and did a little bit more and finally came the day when I locked the doors for the last time. When it was finally purchased we would drive passed it filled with curiousity. Who were they? What were they doing to the house? Did they love it and most importantly to us for some reason were they a young family like ours had been? We spoke many times about just driving up the driveway and introducing ourselves , but somehow it just didn't feel right. It wasn't ours any more and it felt best to let things just go in their natural order.   

Fast forward several years to  Memorial Day , 2012  which was the day that my father passed away. My sister and brother live out of town, so when the day came I dragged myself to the funeral home to give the final instructions and as we left I was seized with an impulse. I burst into tears and my already bewildered husband looked at me to try to decipher what was wrong. "I want to put some flowers from daddy's gardens with him" I wailed, "but short of  sneaking into the yard in the middle of the night and stealing them I don't know how to do it". My husband smiled and simply kept driving...it was only after I'd blown my nose for the third time that I saw where he was heading and then he turned into the driveway.

"Wait here" he said and went straight to the front door. About 3 minutes later he came waving his hands with the most adorable young and very pregnant Ukrainian woman in tow. He introduced her to me and she led me into my old house. Natasha showed me everything they'd done and I loved it. I have to say that the most amazing part of the experience was walking into my old home and upon realizing that it looked nothing like the house that I grew up in anymore still knowing exactly where I was. The house simply smiled  at me and said "Hello , so nice to see you..don't I look fabulous!" And look fabulous it did, I was amazed by what they'd done.  Afterwards I cut the beautiful flowers and went back to say goodbye. As I turned to leave Natasha put her hand on my shoulder and said "Please come back anytime and leave your number because my husband found something and he's been holding onto it hoping that someday you would show up."

We left with hugs and promises of future get togethers and about 3 hours later my phone rang. The young man on the other end of the line introduced himself as Dmitri  and he immediately told me the most astonishing news. " When we were up in the attic,we found  tucked away in a corner your fathers duffle sack from the Navy and it contained about 8 years worth of your parents love letters from before they were even married until after they were married and during the war." He shyly told me in his soft Russian accent that he'd read quite a few of them and that they were absolutely remarkable, filled with love, passion and a fairly rich story. We spent awhile on the phone that day getting to know each other and I made him promise that he would bring  Natasha to my fathers "Celebration of Life" so that the rest of my family could get to know the two of them as well.

Two weeks later they arrived at our party with several huge bags filled with letters. It was astonishing; a reminder of how precious communication was in the days before we could simply sit down at the computer or even pick up the phone. I found out things about my parents that were amazing and I still haven't read them all because there are hundreds of them. They provided us with such a full circle and a glimpse into the lives of my parents that because I was the baby who came along in 1959 I had simply never seen.  What a gift...I still can't believe that we have them. They were signed with sentiments like "Yours forever" and " Your slave forever". I even learned that my name was supposed to be Elizabeth..an absolute dream come true. 

Dmitri and Natasha's baby was born and last week I went to see them, meet the lovely little Lea and drop off a handmade quilt that my sister and I were gifting them with as well as a dress that I'd chosen as a gift from my mother...a lovely cream colored fluffy dress festooned with Alencon lace and a black ribbon that as soon as I saw it  told me that it was the one. I also met Natasha's parents who had been there helping them for the last two months. She showed me more of what  they'd done and as I peered into my old bedroom, I noticed a massage table. "A massage table? "I exclaimed..."I love it ...who does massage?" Well it turns out that Natasha's father is a Doctor/ Naturopath who specializes in a very rare form of Russian massage that is done with raw honey and wooden cups. In my old bedroom...how very cool!

That my friends was how I found myself yesterday lying half naked on a massage table in my old bedroom , sunlight streaming in covered with raw honey and having  my stress pounded into submission by a wonderful man with the loveliest , twinkliest eyes.  Of all of the things that I'd ever done in that particular bedroom it was indeed the healthiest! After my massage, he brought Dmitri in to translate for him. He gave me herbs for a special tea and plenty of wonderful advice...11 exercises to do everyday and a breathing meditation that was extraordinarily relaxing. No more working out at the gym....long walks in the woods, swimming and yoga.

At the end of the session , just sitting there in my old bedroom talking to the two of them I became overwhelmed with emotion.  It was just so sweet being there, learning about my health and getting such a holistic prescription from someone who so obviously cared so deeply about his craft and the people he cares for. If it hadn't been for Natasha's generous spirit it might never have happened. She could have easily turned us away that day we came knocking on her door. Dmitri could have thrown out my parents letters, figuring that we had left them on purpose, but somehow, he knew without knowing us just how meaningful they would be. Life gives you the best gifts at the strangest of times, if you'll simply connect the dots. At that moment and after 9 years of struggle it occurred to me in a way that it hadn't before, that I had finally come home. 



Happy October 1st!

Aren't these just beautiful? One of the loveliest parts of the fall season are all of the wonderful pumpkins and gourds to be found in every market. I particularly love the Swan neck gourds! Which of these seasonal beauties are your favorites?

Happy October 1st!

Happy October 1st!

Happy October 1st!

And to Celebrate October the 1st!!!!!!!!


The Pagan Manifesto

This is simply too good not to share. This lovely manifesto came across my Facebook page this morning. I don't know it's origins, but I do know it's truth's. It resonates in the very marrow of my bones and has since I was just a wee girl. It cheers me mightily to see it presented not just in writing but as the loveliest art. As I read it, I am grateful to my mother who gave me the permission and the courage from a very early age to be very different. I come from a long line of very uppity women. I write this morning in honor of those in spirit who though unseen by most still walk by my side.

In the midst of these strange days where in this United States we are facing a populace who still believe church and state should not be separated, I am thrilled to see the pagan community standing up and speaking their truths. We have allowed ourselves to be defined by fear of persecution way longer than we ever should have and in giving any credibility to that fear have stuffed our spirits painfully into one little corner of the world. To be sure there are those who try in the name of of witchcraft to manipulate, control or destroy.. We do not honor them nor welcome them into our world . We believe that whatever we put into the world will come back to us by way of three..so I spend my time sending love, not hurt. Harm none. It has been that way for centuries.

We are not Satanists..Satan is a Christian deity, born of a time when the church desired to control anyone who dared speak against it , tithe to it or even simply refuse to honor it or practice it's precepts. We do not even conceive nor honor such a perverted , twisted concept. We harm none. We love this Earth and all it's inhabitants.

We honor your desire to love who you love, believe as you believe and live peacefully and with gratitude for this shared life on this beautiful planet all the while knowing that our most important responsibility is to care for her and ALL of her children... two or four legged, winged , gilled or green. This is my truth.

The Pagan Manifesto

The Wiccan Rede
(Full Version)

Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give. 

For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme. 

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again. 

Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane. 

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek. 

Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. 

When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest. 

Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows. 

Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight.   Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower. 

Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye. 

Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility. 

Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen. 

Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark. 

As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows. 

When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite. 

Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules. 

In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight. 

Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be. 

Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed. 

With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart. 

Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow. 

Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you. 

These Eight words the Rede fulfill: 

"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"



Be~Witched: Who needs a wand when you've got a pair of Glamoury Gloves?


I love gloves...some might call me a throwback I suppose to a different time and place, but I find them to be absolutely beautiful and extraordinarily feminine. I have quite a few pairs of them ranging from the first kid gloves that I ever got as a young girl going to dancing school to the trusseau and I inherited many pairs of my mothers when she died. She had wonderful gloves in all colors, soft pinks and creamy shells and several pairs of elbow length black ones. Some have pearl closures and some have buttons. Some have little bows and others are embroidered and all of them are beautiful. I'm inclined to believe that just like pearls, every woman should have a wardrobe of gloves. 


Molly's Magical Spell Casting Glamoury Gloves

So it didn't come as any surprise to anyone last year when for the Clarimonde Project that I did with a group of extraordinary writers and indie perfumers , I decided to scent a beautifully embroidered pair of vintage French leather gloves. They were glorious by the time that I was done, buttery and sweet with love infused fragrant oils that I'd mixed with a bit of sweet almond oil and glowing with a femininity that was palpable. I made them with the intention of giving them to my nephews fiance' as a special gift for the Winter Solstice.  At one point during the process I put them on and I was astonished when what I can describe as only magical  and healing energies started flowing through me and out through my fingertips. I played with them for quite awhile, drawing Reiki symbols with my gloved fingers, simply moving the energy around and around, using them as I would a Rowan wand. I was enchanted, but I knew they weren't meant to be mine. 

Come Solstice time I wrapped them up and gave them to Molly who absolutely loved them and then I made a pair of my own, simple black velvet this time but adorned with beautiful purple flowers, iridescent jewels and butterflies. I perfumed them for a full moon cycle with oils of rose, cocoa, lily and jasmine and by the time I was finished they were most definitely mine. When I wear them I feel completely lovely and I have used them many times when I've needed to make a wish or two.  It goes without saying that I feel absolutely fascinating when I wear them, somehow a gorgeous pair of gloves just makes everything just a bit more bewitching.  My husband is completely intrigued by them. He says that a certain look comes over my face when I wear them and he knows that he's in for just the right kind of trouble. 

So it seems that I can't stop making them and everytime I wear them out people that I meet beg me to sell them to them right on the spot. So, I've decided that there might be something of a cottage industry here!  If you'd like your own pair of  Glamoury Gloves just write to me at [email protected] and we'll discuss your personal wishes. Each pair is unique, handcrafted and  perfumed with beautiful natural essences that I will choose just for you. I do take the time to create a very personal spell that's just for you so please give me a window of up to three weeks preferably during a full moon cycle. Each pair of gloves is individually priced depending upon the degree of handiwork and magic involved and each  pair will be made just for you.  


Try telling me that Rita Hayworth didn't know how to take her gloves off......WOW!

Please note that I am happy do all sorts of magical workings on your behalf, but none that will harm nor manipulate another. Thank you so much  for understanding!


Enchanting Objects! The Grovewood Gallery in Asheville North Carolina

Last week when Jim and I were visiting in Asheville we had the opportunity to see many beautiful galleries filled with gorgeous mountain handwork. This was one of the best! Beautiful furniture , fiber arts and jewelry and lots of ceramics made The Grovewood Gallery one of my favorite stops! Visit them at www.grovewood.com


Beautiful, curvy, curly handpainted silk scarves!

Enchanted Objects! The Grovewood Gallery in Asheville North Carolina


The handturned wood is just gorgeous.....


Enchanted Objects! The Grovewood Gallery in Asheville North Carolina


Some of the loveliest handmade clothes that I've ever seen!


Enchanted Objects! The Grovewood Gallery in Asheville North Carolina


You know that I can never resist a Christmas Tree!


Enchanted Objects! The Grovewood Gallery in Asheville North Carolina


And a delightful bit of Dulcimer for your lullaby!