31 Days of Halloween! Feed

31 Days of Halloween: Hot Skwash!

Every now and then I see something that really tickles my fancy! In this case it was these gorgeous velvet pumpkins from Hot Skwash! I was in Neiman Marcus last month and I saw a display of them that really caught my eye. I can't help but wonder how a few of these might look in my antique wooden salad bowl or tucked around my Williamsburg hurricane. They are expensive but well a girl can dream right? Or a crafty girl could try to make them on her own! All of those colors? All of those choices? This witch is going to see if she can wave her wand and make a few of them magically appear on her harvest table!

Big red velvet pumpkin hot skwash

Hot Skwash velvet pumpkins rasberry ice group



31 Days of Halloween: Scenes from Castello di Amarosa Vineyards



Last weekend my husband and I spent a really memorable weekend in Napa Valley. One of the wonderful places that we discovered was a sensational vineyard in St. Helena  named Castello di Amarosa.It is an absolutely authentic and  sensational castle that sits atop of a magnificent hillside AND is a working vineyard. Because it is harvest season in Sonoma right now, the smell of crushed grapes was everywhere and the scent just added to the incredible ambiance of the setting. They have goats , sheep and chickens and truthfully if you didn't know that it was 2013 you would be instantly transported back to feudal Italy in the 13th century. The castle was superbly dressed for the harvest season  and the dungeon was filled with all sorts of Samhain finery. Every year they have a Medieval Faire and a Haunted Pagan Ball, which I intend to be at  in 2014! Feast your eyes and do click on the links...

31 Days of Halloween: Scenes from Castelo de Amarosa Vineyards

31 Days of Halloween: Scenes from Castelo de Amarosa Vineyards

31 Days of Halloween: Scenes from Castelo de Amarosa Vineyards

31 Days of Halloween: Scenes from Castelo de Amarosa Vineyards

31 Days of Halloween: Scenes from Castelo de Amarosa Vineyards

May Your Samhain be Blessed with Magic and Love.....


May your Samhain be blessed with Magic and Love, 

May your cupboards be filled, your loved ones be near,

and may your bed always be filled with magic & passion,

and for those whose beloveds have passed

  through the veil in this year

 it is my wish for you that tonight brings you the joy

of seeing their spirits dancing freely in the light.

Keen COllage
Happy New Year and much love from  

The Windesphere Witch.


Sacred Sexuality: The Magic of Honesty and the Seductiveness of Mystery



I have no idea who to attribute this too. I just loved it:)


I answered the most fascinating question on Facebook yesterday. It was asked by a lovely young friend of mine, a beautiful young woman who is learning about herself and how she falls in love. The question was about honesty and how important it was to health of a relationship? It was provocative and really got me thinking about the very nature of man /woman relationships. I gave her this answer.


For me honesty in my relationships is paramount and to be sure because I’m human, it’s not always easy... especially when the truth is an awful tale to tell.. when my husband tells me something about myself that I don’t want to hear or when I have to do the same for him. Honesty in the face of real fear takes a serious choice of courage but that’s what feeds the roots of a healthy relationship. Knowing that your friend or partner will always be that honest with you is what builds the foundation of your hearts true home. My husband and I use a tool to communicate that we learned long ago, a technique we call RAFT which simply means Reluctant and frightened to share. If one of us has something to say to the other that we are afraid will wound we’ll say, “I have a RAFT” and then the other knows that what’s coming is something that we want to share but are deeply concerned about it’s effect on the relationship. Knowing this makes it easier to listen to each other because using this technique frames the words in love, not anger. Sharing in this way leaves the opportunity to be truthful but also receptive. It’s a delightful exercise in enchantment for your mind. Try it for yourself and watch what happens. You'll thank me. 

All that being said... A woman has to honor her mysteries and sometimes   withhold that which isn't yet ready to be shared... It's essential to our very natures. The thing I notice that's interesting and consistent with so many of the young women I work with? They feel the need to dump everything about themselves all at once into a new relationship as if somehow that helps the man to know or understand them. My experience is that it overwhelms the relationship and doesn't nurture the deeper shoots of trust and caring so that they can root and blossom. I’ve listened to my son and many of his friends talk about this over the years… “It’s just too much, I end up feeling like her therapist instead of her lover and even when I want to get closer, the ghost of all of that leftover emotional baggage that somehow I’m responsible for right now, in that very moment seems like just too much. What about me? I want a woman who can grow up without me, who can take responsibility for herself and then we can enjoy learning about and sharing life with each other. I wish that she was actually hiding something because then I could have fun finding it!”

In his own way he’s pointing to something that I’ve definitely noticed over the last few years. The last several decades have spawned chronicles of self help books, workshops, vast amounts of diet books, new age books, religious dating books, body image books; basically anything and everything that you wanted to ever know about the cult of “ WORKING ON YOURSELF”.


To be a woman is to have our very own mysteries; we bleed every month, conceive life and turn ourselves inside out to bring that life into the world. Even if we adopt our children the experience is just as potent. We feed our children with milk from our breasts or that we’ve created with our loving hands. We know how to love them, heal them and wipe their tears. We know instinctively if something is wrong with them. When we reach a certain age, we hold our blood and instead of being mothers to our children, we birth our power into the world. I know that I’m going to probably take a lot of heat for this comment, but I believe it’s true…Men are naturally the hunters, we are intuitively the healers. I don’t think that it’s the other way around and knowing this doesn’t make us subservient to them in anyway. It make us the yin to their yang. It makes us receptive , elegant and mysterious and it compels them to search out the truths that we already know because we act as their muse.

In my experience it's in the quiet, dark spaces that a relationship becomes full as well as the shared, lovely knowing each other that happens when you pour your heart out. It's in the quiet places where your inner knowing can listen well enough to discern fact from fiction. If you're lying to each other, that silence is awkward.... If you're just being quietly together and simply perceiving the space between, then that’s where the magic can begin to quietly happen....

Bubbling in the Cauldron...Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Tuesday night my friend Bethane and I decided to carve our pumpkins. We had a blast, sprawled out all over her kitchen floor like kids, laughing and drinking wine and reminiscing about times shared.

 With the exception of one gory fight that left us not speaking for over 6 months we've been friends for over 30 years and I always say that she's more like my sister which means that we always have loads to laugh about over the many shared bottles of wine and mischievous escapades. 

My pumpkin's on the left and her's which ended up looking just like her cat Thistle is on the right:)

Now...what to do with all of those seeds. Both of these pumpkins were full of them and the walls were incredibly thick and fleshy. I predict a long , cold winter but at least we'll have roasted pumpkin seeds!


Bubbling in the Cauldron...Roasted Pumpkin Seeds


Bubbling in the Cauldron...Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Rinse the seeds of the remaining strands of pumpkin


Bubbling in the Cauldron...Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Put them in a wok and begin to slowly roast them. I use about two tablespoons of butter and when they begin to dry out I add salt, pepper, a tablespoon of maple syrup, 1 of teriyaki sauce,1 of minced garlic and 1 of chili sauce . Continue to stir until coated and roasted.



Bubbling in the Cauldron...Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
They will be a bit sticky but they will be delicious. Sprinkle them on to salads or serve them as a wonderfully chewy autumn snack with drinks

Bubbling in the Cauldron: Homemade Maple Pumpkin Spice Latte's !

Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte's
My Homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte

Last week a good friend of mine posted a recipe for homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte's. While fairly intriguing, the recipe had a bit too much white sugar in it for my liking. However, my husband loves Starbucks Pumpkin Latte's and looks forward to them all year, so I was determined to take a stab at creating one that might be a wee bit healthier.  This is the result and judging from his truly satisfied expression I succeeded! Happy Husband..Happy Life..Happy Life..Happy Wife :) My guess is that this would be even more bewitching on a chilly autumn night with a warming jigger of brandy stirred into it,  a crackling fire and maybe a piece of pumpkin pie! 



3 Tbsp unpacked brown sugar   


2 tsp ground cinnamon   


3 Tbsp maple syrup   


2 Tbsp light whipping cream   


2/3 cup(s) canned pumpkin   


1 1/2 cup(s) black coffee   


1 1/2 cup Blue Diamond Almond Breeze Milk Alternative   

Instructions: Brew the coffee and in a saucepan whisk together

the other ingredients.

Heat until boiling and stir gently.

Pour the heated milk,pumpkin and spice mixture into a vitamix

or blender along with the coffee.

Blend until smooth and pour into mugs.

Top with a sprinkle of cinnamon and enjoy!