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What others have said about their work with me!


 "You're everything I want to grow to become, Beth. A f'ing rock'n'roll goddess divine, living with joy first foot forward.Thank you so much for sharing your truth with all of us so richly and fully ✨✨✨"

Gezina Plumb

"Hi Beth, 
I have missed talking with you! You are a wonderful coach, and you have made an impact on my lifelong habits, in terms of food. First, by removing dairy- i.e. milk, from my diet, I feel so much better. Once in a while I 'slip' and put some milk in my coffee, but the 'glass of milk' before bedtime has not been a consideration for a year. I would say, I have maybe purchased a total of 2 gallons of milk over the past year, as the milk was integral to a recipe that I was making- typically, if I had company coming for dinner. So by eliminating milk I have far less joint pain, especially in my knees. 
I have basically cut out sugar, as well. I would say that I have a processed sugar dessert maybe once a month. Avoiding this inflammatory food has made me feel better. I avoid gluten as much as I can- a piece of bread or some crackers is a treat, but only once in a while.  I do have some of the nightshades in my diet, on occasion, but it's rare. Your pointing out to me that I should only eat tomatoes from my own garden really made an impact. It is truly the only time of the year that a tomato is worth eating. The store-bought tomatoes, even the 'local Ohio' stem and beefsteak tomatoes, are fair, at best. 
I benefited so much from your coaching. I want you to know of the impact that you made. I have always been a person who has been cognizant of what was going in their mouth, so to speak, but every time I encounter foods that I know will cause me to have an inflammatory response, it's just easier to not indulge. I feel 100% better for this. "
H. Henry - May, 2022

"Mama Beth, as I call her, is a splendid mixture of whimsy and bad-assery. She's highly intuitive and guides from that place. Mama Beth listens with intent and then offers guidance in a way that cuts to the chase while simultaneously wrapping you in a blanket of her warmth and care. I have come to Mama Beth in moments of feeling very stuck and absorbed up in my own stories. What she does is this... she unravels the tangled ball of stories in my head and helps me lay it out in the light. And suddenly... clarity. In our sessions together, I find that I am voraciously taking notes because her words are golden nuggets of wisdom.Big takeaways from our last session together - owning my decisions, really listening to my body and how she speaks, and I need a partner who will hold and cherish all of the facets of who I am... all of me, in my fullness!  Mama Beth definitely gives "tough love" and will be the first one to tell you that, but it's because she deeply believes life is too short to waste a single second. "

Kelsey  - April 2021


 "You, my dear, are a treasure and a rare blessing in this world! Your wisdom and ability to listen and guide with light and compassion is so rare and so powerful!!! Xoxo to the woman/Tante/sister of my heart who has changed my life and the lives of my children forever! Blessings to you and all the lives you will shine your light on!" 

Rachel Bancroft


“It is my pleasure to introduce and recommend Beth Schreibman Gehring as an herbalist, lifestyle coach, Shaman, Reiki master, cook, gardener, author     ( Be sure to check out her blog The Windesphere Witch ), presenter, teacher and relationship mentor. She’s an amazing woman.

I can’t recommend her enough.

My life has been brightened and enlightened miraculously since I had the privilege of working with Beth Schreibman Gehring. Creative, sincere, empathetic, brilliant, any time spent with this lady is a time of learning, widening of thoughts, awakening of instincts, and a pure joy of living experience.

She inspires with her teaching, enlightening body mind and soul with good food, inspirations, and the overall experience of waking all parts of people’s lives. Before I began working with her, I was looking through a veil of my own making at everything around me including myself. Life had dealt me some hard blows and I had almost given up on recovery. With her help, I lifted that cumbersome vail of fear and hopelessness. Because of her patient tutelage, my joy has increased beyond what I had imagined was possible.

She helped me overcome diabetes--helping me cook every meal every day for a year. We did this through cyberspace, but it entailed her paying very close attention to what I was eating and how I was preparing it so that now I’m not only a fantastic cook but I no longer am even close to being diabetic. She was strict, insistent, blunt, when necessary, giving what it took in tough love when necessary in order to create a new life for me.

She went above and beyond so many times!! She sincerely cared about me, personally. No cookie cutter coaching here!! She got to know me so she could work towards my goals—often times amazing me with her insights into my internal needs and often flawed self-talk.

Whether needing a coach, healer, advisor, presenter, event planner, or herbalist, contact Beth. Her amazing knowledge and dedication will add a taste of joy and the aroma of success! “

Beth Ann Lively


 "I have worked with Beth on and off for 5 years now.  Throughout those 5 years, she has worn many different hats and has worn them all with grace and compassion.  She has been the friend that I can turn to for comfort when things are just a little too much.  However, she fearlessly played the role that a friend may not be able to for fear of damaging a friendship:  in tough emotional situations, she lovingly kept pushing me towards the thick of it and through.  Beth was able to walk with me on a spiritual road as well.  When my mind was too entrenched in the thick of whatever it was I was dealing with, she would approach me on an energetic level and guide me towards ritual, nature, good food and the wholeness that already exists in me and all around me.  So many hats!  The most amazing thing is that she intuitively knows which one to wear for the occasion and she’s always right!
Beth is a coach but she is also a healer.  She helped me to release the things in me and in my life that were keeping me from fully being me. 
Beth, thank you for the lasting transformation that you have helped me create in my life." 
Morgan ~ July , 2017

Morgan Hager


"I am always so in awe and insanely uplifted by your wonderfulness, beauty and magic.
Thank dear lady. Thank you!"

Jevi Shaleen


"Dearest Beth,
I need to write this letter to tell you how much I appreciate your help this last 16 months. I was hell bent on gracefully navigating this transition from an abusive marriage that I was afraid to leave, to a joyful, calm and gracious single life. You taught—or reminded me how capable I am. Because of you and almost without too many melt downs I am in love (add the explicative of choice here) with my life.

I would highly recommend you to anyone who needs to be reminded how life can be if you remember, “Something inside me knows how to do this.”—Paul Williams. This has been my mantra since I heard him speak these words. You showed me that it is possible and probable to achieve.
You may share my words with anyone who needs your presence in their life. You are a gift."

Write on,
Maggy Brown,  
Writer, illustrator, blogger and accidental mentor.
March, 2016


 "Beth is a truly amazing coach. Her ability to listen for what I need, and willingness to adapt to whatever those needs are continues to impress me. I have let Beth challenge and push me in ways I never have with anyone before, and the benefits have been enormous. She is truly able to step out of her own issues to make way for me however I show up. Her generosity and patience have given me a powerful example to live up to." 

Angeline Pittenger

 "Words that define my progress with Beth:
Self Love, Acceptance, Progress Step by Step, Respect.
The idea of hiring a coach from my view point was that I needed the expertise and support of someone who had already taken the challenging steps to make progress in the world of entrepreneurship, so I went on to hire Beth with the expectation of becoming the successful health coach of my fantasies. In the end what you really want is the recipe to make your dream come true. However, the reality is, that most of the time you really don't know what your true desire is and little did I know I was about to embark myself on an awakening journey.
-I felt I was stuck, that I wasn't making any progress in my life or career even though I devoted 16 hours a day to working and studying, it didn't feel like I was making progress.
-A habit of self pity that was so subtle I didn't know I had or that I was indulging in it.
-At that time, I was falling into depression, I wasn't pushing my self to improve, I was just working hard, but hardly reflecting on how I was living my life.
-I was overworking my self without enjoying my work or life. I thought I was happy in the moment, but through the coaching sessions I realized I wasn't. I realized that I was trying to make it so perfect that I couldn't leave space for spontaneity.
-I felt deprived because of time, because of money, because of lack of talent, because I didn't feel enough.
-I was a slave of my fear.
-I felt I was a failure and fraud.
"One must have some sort of support in order to create change, to allow miracles to happen to you. Having that honest, loving being and reassuring person next to you inspires you to do the inner work"
Argelia Ivon De La Torre

During my time with Beth, she motivated me, gave me great ideas, supported me, held my hand, handed me tissue paper when I needed to blow my nose... but most importantly she helped me become aware of my indulgence into self pity. Today these thoughts show up in my mind, but I am aware of them so they don't make me their victim for a long time or at all. Today I realize that self pity is a trap to not enjoy my life or to live it the way I want to. Today I realize that to be successful is to be honest with yourself, to learn to be happy and enjoy everything to the best of your ability... here is a hint...The first step to know if you are successful is to feel successful.
Beth helped me rethink, reflect on my life, work, relationships, etc. If it weren't for her my advancement would have been slower or could have taken a detour somewhere.
My approach in business and life now.
I now realize that my success in life, work, relationships, spirituality depend on my happiness and joy. I no longer strive to be perfect, my motto now is:
"If you love doing it, just do it now! Don't leave this for later"
Thank you Beth for helping me become successful."

Argelia De La Torre

 "One of the reasons I think people take my recommendation of your services seriously is that I tell them that we work TOGETHER. You don't "tell me what to do."  I listen to my body and have developed a much better relationship with it because of the work you and I do.  Remember, we have "metrics" - quitting smoking and losing the weight - but the main  reason I called you in the first place was that I wanted to FEEL BETTER.  I almost gave up on the no dairy thing, by the way and am now glad I didn't, but it is the fact that I knew you were listening to me that allowed me to trust you enough to do this!  Thanks!"

Terri Harris

 ..."You know when you meet someone and you just get the vibe that you were meant to meet?  Well...that is my experience with Beth.  I met her at an event where she was speaking about blogging.  We had lunch and a week later, off I went on a journey of having Beth as my coach - and what a journey it has been.  She got who I was...IMMEDIATELY and I mean immediately.  It was as if she could see right in to my soul, which somewhere, I think she actually can.  I cried, I laughed, I resisted...still resist but she was able to speak to me in such a way that helped me to get out of my own way. The commitment she has for her clients is palpable. She is such a stand that you have the life you desire in every possible way.  She most definitely is "living the life" in such a beautiful, graceful and extraordinary way.  If you are fortunate enough to work with Beth, use her up.  There is so much behind those smiling eyes that is just waiting to be tapped into. As your coach, she will definitely get to know you, but you want to get to know her as well because I promise you, your world will open up in such a glorious and magnificent way.  It was truly my distinct pleasure to be one of Beth's clients.  She made a lovely imprint on my life that shall live on." 

Debbie Kuhn 


"Dear Beth,

You helped me bring myself up and find my confidence in a time when I thought that no one could. From going shopping with me and having "Lobster night" to help me move on from the past, to being the voice of wisdom and helping me break out of my routine of depression (which many tried to do). 

I think it was your candid humor and authenticity. You didn't let me project my own destructiveness onto myself OR you. You saw me as the person I wanted to see myself as (the person I really am) and you never talked to me from an angle of pity. I will always remember that time in my life and I will always cherish it. You helped me fight for myself...and I won.”

Nicholle Harris


“When I think of you, Beth, I think of not only the person you are when conversing, but how you make me feel, and I’m sure others, when you are working with them.
You are refreshingly open-minded; yet don’t have a problem expressing opinions you have. You’re kind and wise, and SO interesting to talk to. You are well-rounded and seem to have seen how all walks of life live, void of judging people for their beliefs, yet standing by yours. Feisty, tantalizing with your words, talented beyond what you see of yourself, and beautiful from the inside out, this is what I see! I think you live life how it’s supposed to be lived, exploring many different things and taking the “gifts” you are offered, while giving back all the while.
I’m so glad to have the opportunity to know you, Beth!”

Julie Anderson



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