We all love our pets. I don't know about you, but I'm practically obsessed with with my cat and dog. They've got the best of everything. I spend a fortune on just the right dog food and my pup Nora's collection of toys and bedding rivals anything that I've ever bought for myself. I didn't used to be this way, but my husband blames our son Alex. You see, he did the unthinkable. He grew up and left home, but before he did that, he bought me two puppies knowing full well that he'd be quickly replaced as the object of my laser focus.
Meet Tallulah Jane and Miss NoraAren't they adorable? It wasn't long before they'd taken over the house and my wallet. Sadly, we had to find Tallulah Jane a new home, because she just didn't get along well with our cats. She found a lovely family filled cat-free home, but my heart was absolutely broken when she had to go. I hid this picture away for months because I couldn't bear to look at it. Enter the divine Ms Maggy Brown, Childrens Book Author and Artist.
Maggy Brown and her Angel Lola
Maggy is my dear friend who is just little bit larger than life. Actually, she's led an amazing life! How many people can you say that you know decided to pursue all of their dreams by running off to Italy, accidentally becoming a runway model in Milan and eventually marrying a totally hot Italian man and adding the title "Marchesa" to their name? She's the only one. She's funny, fearless, quite brilliant and absolutely one of loveliest women I know. She eventually moved back to the United States and soon after found herself living in the lovely historical village of Chagrin Falls.Somewhere in the last 18 years she decided to write her memoir (you can read more about it here!) and reinvent herself as the author and artist that she'd always known herself to be. She began to write a series of educational children's books , about her adorable Jack Russell Terrier named Lawrence who had quite the knack for brilliantly avoiding really difficult situations! In the first Lawrence book, "Lawrence the WonderDog outwits the Bullies", we find Lawrence brilliantly battling the Rottweiler twins with his brains , not his brawn. After she wrote it, Maggy found herself at different schools in the area, talking to young children about schoolyard and cyberbullying. She discovered that Lawrence with his street smarts could be a great teacher for kids dealing with those complicated emotional issues. So, armed with an enormous memory of tales still untold, she's kept on writing and inspiring young children everywhere! 
Maggy illustrates these books herself with beautiful images created from torn papers, paint and fabric. Soon she needed subjects for her latest book, "Lawrence the Wonderdog gets Vaccinated" so she started reaching out to her friends.Of course as soon as we all saw what she was doing her phone started ringing off the hook with people begging her to make one for them and a wonderful cottage business was born! Here are a few that she's done so far, with her feline muse "Uncle Buzz" keeping a watchful eye on things! 
I had just found the picture of my pups and asked if she would consider creating a pet portrait collage of them just for me and here is the result!Absolutely adorable ( I mean my God look at all that tartan!) and it means so much to me because I can look at it and think about Tallulah without feeling so sad. I don't know how she does it, but Maggy seems to be able to capture the personalities of the animals she's painting. I think that she's just got that magic about her! 
Treat yourself! If you're interested in having a Pet Portrait done for yourself , here is the link!
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