Milady's Pantry & Stillroom - Claires Herbs: Crabapples
31 Days of Halloween : Caring for our Familiars

31 Days of Halloween- Oatmeal and Homemade Apple Butter!

31 Days of Halloween- Oatmeal and Homemade Apple Butter!

31 Days of Halloween- Oatmeal and Homemade Apple Butter!

31 Days of Halloween- Oatmeal and Homemade Apple Butter!

WOW. It feels so good to be writing here from Windesphere again. I've been working on my book; Stirring the Senses and I'm happy to say that it's finished! Once that was done I decided to turn my time back to the enormous amount of canning that I had left to do. Here you see my latest attempt at apple butter, which I simmered in  the slow cooker for over 18 hours. Once it was done, I water processed it and this morning we enjoyed it on our oatmeal with brown sugar, walnuts, a bit of Irish butter and lots of cinnamon. Mine also was topped with goat cheese which trust me, is absolutely glorious on oatmeal. So is caramel but that's for another post!


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