Milady's Tinctures, Tonics & Teas : Claire's Herbs- Yellow Iris Liniment
Milady's Tinctures, Tonic and Teas: Claire's Herbs - Wedding Eve Tea

A Very Special Drawing to Celebrate World Outlander Day! - 6 Samples of Guerlains L' Heure Bleue!



Lheure_bleue (1)
Photograph Courtesy of [email protected]




To celebrate I'm giving away 6 sample decants of (Not the picture shown) of Claires (and Franks) favorite perfume , Geurlains L' Heure Bleue which you'll remember from one of the first scenes in Outlander when Claire runs a generous bit of this  gorgeous classic through her hair before a very romantic encounter with Frank. If you're one of the lucky winners you'll be receiving a decant of the current fragrance AND the VINTAGE (which is what Claire would have been wearing!) To enter, just go to the Outlander Love Affair Page , and "Like it". Then go to the tab on the Outlander Love Affair Page that says "event" and click on the event that I've made for World Outlander Day and choose "join". This will enter you in the drawing and you will be notified on June the 3rd if you are one of the lucky winners. I will be putting all of the entries through a sequence generator. You must be 18 and over to enter and Facebook bears no responsibility nor liability for this little contest. If you are outside of the United States I will still send to you if you win.  



I’m so excited!
Sunday, June the 1st 2014 has been designated World Outlander Day! This wonderful idea started in Germany, but it’s spreading like wildfire! Many of the OUTLANDER blogs and related fan-sites will be celebrating including this one! I guess that June 1st is the anniversary of the first release of Outlander so won’t it be fun to celebrate our favorite love story of all time together?  

All day on June 1st, If you’ve got a Twitter feed , let’s start a chain of Outlander love all around the globe by tagging our tweets with the hashtag#WorldOutlanderDay

I hope that you’ll help me by spreading the news to any other OUTLANDER fans!  I'm looking forward to celebrating with all of you!


Many thanks to Tia Todd from Saks Fifth Ave in Beachwood, Ohio for her generous help in procuring these sample vials!


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