Love Letters from Lotus Lodge: I Am Asking
Would you believe with all the disturbance going on in our country and our world today - that you , I and so many others can make a powerful difference? God has given America to be Free! Today I am Asking for Volunteers - to daily take a few minutes and charge our beloved America with the Immortal Flame of the Cosmic Christ's victory whose Love now blazes its fire everywhere within our borders so that all of America's people awaken and enter it's heart,claiming their own, and holding in Freedom the authority of our great nation and the Victory of the Cosmic Christ and the Love of the Everlasting Command of God's Eternal Perfection!
Let us make a difference - never give up! The God Presence within you can see and feel complete perfection for Our America! Ask the God Presence within you and around you to clear the Atmosphere of all of the misused energy that we've put into national affairs and allowing for the the greatness of Human Creation to fill up our nation with so much Light- there can be no darkness - let the Sunshine of your own "Beloved I am Presence",shine through all over this beloved land regardless of the shadows that seem to have gathered all throughout the country!
Let's look at it this way! Really there is no difference between a National House cleaning and your own personal housecleaning! It's much the same except that you alone clean your home - Now I am asking for all of us together to help inspire America - the powerful Home of all who dare to create. I am asking you to move everything around, banish the negative, create beautiful new ideas and feelings. If we allow for the energy of Good God Ideas to flourish within ; with all of us visualizing Our Country; our beloved Nation will emerge from this confusion cleaned, purified and beautiful! What a difference we will make if we work together!
My Beloved "I am Temple of Radiant Lights" is a sanctuary and an altar of Peace and Love! I always affirm that "no one come on the property with negative intent - and only bring positive thoughts and feeling. Since 1974 I've shared with friends and clients Divine Love, Illumination and God's Power - So today I am asking that this sanctuary stay a focus of strength and power and that it continue to be the strength of the Light of Encouragement to all that come in contact with it and wherever I go - Here's my Prayer.
I ask in Love for the dispensation of Mercy and forgiveness to permit the purifying of our nation and it's people to the point where at least two thirds of the current discord can be cunsumed! I am inspired to request this once a day for the Freedom of Our Nation!
I Am the Law of the Violet Consuming Flame! "Christ in Action ruling wherever "IAm" then as the Violet Flame rushes ahead of each of us, we purify and set things into Divine Order! Beloved God , please charge our collective "I Am Presence" to forbid discord to exist! In this way we can receive the perfect Country filled with Light, Which was God's intention for America always!
Your I Am Presence is God of the Universe in Action!
I Am Love,
LaWanna Rine may be reached at 330-878-7379. She is available for speaking engagements and healing workshops.