A truly wonderful teapot!
EASY, EASY, EASY, Hollandaise Sauce!

Chinese Cole Slaw!

If you are anything like me, you really hate cole slaw......I know, I know ...it's an American tradition! I can't help it though, mayonnaisey (is there really such a word !) cole slaw just leaves me cold and creepy!
What do you do then on the fourth of July weekend when everyone's busy barbecuing and tradition dictates eating that crispy crunchy chilled salad of cabbage and miracle whip?
On such an evening, when I was having a pre- benefit picnic for the Salvation Army, that question was answered!
The menu was potluck, and really wonderful, barbecued chicken drumsticks, really great Boston baked beans, a huge tossed salad with garlicky dressing, crumbled blue cheese and of course the committee wanted cole slaw!
So not knowing( or if we're going to be honest here absolutely refusing!) how to make a creamy slaw, I invented my own version! It was such a huge hit that I have people requesting the recipe! So....here goes!

I took 3 bags of precut cabbage slaw and 3 bags of broccoli slaw , (remember this feeds about 50!) and mixed them together in a bowl along with a huge jar of dry roasted peanuts, an entire box of raisins and 2 chopped LARGE yellow onions! Then I poured in a dreesing made from rice vinegar, teriyaki sauce, sesame seeds, some sugar to taste and alot of garlic oil and fresh garlic! If you don't wish to make the dressing, a cute company called SoyVay (A Jewish boy and a Chinese girl!) makes approximately the same thing only they call it CHa CHa Chicken salad dressing! I used about 2 and 1/2 pints of dressing for this salad. The final touch was to mix in two boxes of those yummy fried chinese noodles , the kind that they serve with chop suey!
It was really delicious and tonight I'm going to put shredded chicken in the leftovers! Yummm!!!!!!!


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